Test House
Please Read:
The “Test House.CATProduct” file is not complete. You are welcome to use CATProducts and/or CATParts in part or whole as long as there is no charge (cost) for the finished product! If you would like to add to and/or improve the house send me your update and I will add it to the www.schroff1.com site. I will give the designer full recognition for their contribution. All the CATParts and CATProduct files are the property of Schroff Development Corporation. If you have any questions and/or comments contact me at
To load the Test House.CATProduct unzip all three zip files (Test House1, Test House 2 and Test House 3) into the same directory. Then select or double click on the Test House.CATProduct file. It is a fairly large file so be patient.
Thank You.
Richard Cozzens