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Schroff Development Corporation SDC Publications Textbooks for Education

Click on the name of the book or edition to see what files are available:


3D Studio VIZ
3D Studio VIZ Tutorial: Materials and Rendering
Autodesk VIZ
Autodesk VIZ 2008 for Beginners
Finite Element Analysis Tutorial Using Algor Version 14 
Architectural Desktop
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 Fundamentals 

Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 Fundamentals 

Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2005 Fundamentals 
Space Planning with Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2005

Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 Fundamentals 
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 Intermediate 

Autodesk Architectural Desktop R3.3 Fundamentals: Laying a Sound Foundation
Autodesk Architectural Desktop R3.3 Intermediate: Through the Roof 
Space Planning with Architectural Desktop R3.3

AutoCAD Architecture
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2011 Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2010 Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2009 Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2008 Fundamentals
Space Planning with AutoCAD Architecture 2008


Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2011 
AutoCAD 2011 for Interior Designers
Introduction to AutoCAD 2010 for Civil Engineering Applications
Principles & Practice - AutoCAD 2009 Tutorial -- 1st Level: 2D Fundamentals
AutoCAD 2009 Tutorial - 1st Level: 2D Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2011: Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2010: Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009: Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2008: Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2007: Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2006: Fundamentals
Autodesk AutoCAD 2004: Mechanical Drafting for Beginners
Autodesk AutoCAD 2000i: Mechanical Drafting for Beginners
Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2008 Instruction
Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2007 Instruction
Autodesk Inventor
Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2009

The Power of Design: An Introduction to Autodesk Inventor 2008

Autodesk Inventor R11 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon

Autodesk Inventor R10 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon

Autodesk Inventor R8 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon
Autodesk Inventor R8 Intermediate Level: Mastering the Rubicon

Autodesk Inventor R6 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon
Autodesk Inventor R6 Intermediate Level: Mastering the Rubicon

Autodesk Inventor R5 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon
Autodesk Inventor R5 Intermediate Level: Mastering the Rubicon

Autodesk Inventor R4 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon
Autodesk Inventor R4 Intermediate Level: Mastering the Rubicon

Autodesk Inventor R3 Fundamentals: Conquering the Rubicon

Land Desktop
Introduction to Land Desktop 2008
Introduction to Land Desktop 2007
Introduction to Land Desktop 2006
Introduction to Land Desktop 2005
Introduction to Land Desktop 2004
Introduction to Land Development Desktop R3
The Unofficial Revit 2011 Certified Exam Guide
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 Basics: from the Ground Up
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2009 Basics: from the Ground Up
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2008 Basics: from the Ground Up
Autodesk Revit 9 Basics
Revit 4.5 Basics: Architectural Modeling and Documentation 
Advanced CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 16)
Advanced CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 8 & 9)

CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 17)
CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 16) 
CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 14 & 15) 
CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 12 & 13) 
CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 10 & 11) 

CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 8 & 9) 
CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 6 & 7) 
CATIA V5 Workbook (Release 5) 

GibbsCAM Tutorial (Version 2005)
GibbsCAM Tutorial (Versions 2004 & 2004+)
GibbsCAM Tutorial (Versions 2000 & 2002)
Mastercam Workbook (Version 9)
Microstation V8 - An Introduction to Computer-Aided Design 
Microstation J - An Introduction to Computer-Aided Design 

Design Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER

Release 20: ISBN 1-887503-67-6
Release 2000i: ISBN 1-887503-94-3

Release 2000i2: ISBN 1-58503-024-4

Release 2001: ISBN 1-58503-032-5
Design Process Management Using Pro/INTRALINK
Release 2: ISBN 1-58503-038-4
Release 3: ISBN 1-58503-090-2
Mechanical Engineering Design with Pro/ENGINEER
Release 2000i: ISBN 1-58503-019-8
Release 2000i2: ISBN 1-58503-050-3
Release 2001: ISBN 1-58503-033-3
Pro/ENGINEER Tutorial
WILDFIRE 5.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-535-9 
WILDFIRE 4.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-415-4 
WILDFIRE 3.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-307-2 
WILDFIRE 2.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-186-3 
WILDFIRE 1.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-113-9 
Release 2001: ISBN 1-58503-029-5
Introduction to Pro/SHEETMETAL
WILDFIRE 4: ISBN 978-1-58503-429-1
WILDFIRE 3: ISBN 978-1-58503-336-2
WILDFIRE 2: ISBN 1-58503-222-0
Design for Manufacturing with Pro/MANUFACTURING
Release 2001: ISBN 1-58503-079-1
Mechanism Design and Analysis with Pro/ENGINEER
WILDFIRE 3.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-431-4 
WILDFIRE 4.0: ISBN 978-1-58503-528-1 
Pro/MECHANICA Motion: Mechanism Design and Analysis
Release 2000i: ISBN 1-58503-005-8
Release 2000i2: ISBN 1-58503-025-2

Release 2001: ISBN 1-58503-036-8

WILDFIRE 1: ISBN 1-58503-121-6 
WILDFIRE 2.0: ISBN 1-58503-191-7 
Pro/ENGINEER MECHANICA - Structure & Thermal
WILDFIRE 5: ISBN 978-1-58503-536-6 
WILDFIRE 4: ISBN 978-1-58503-381-2 
WILDFIRE 3: ISBN 1-58503-305-7 
WILDFIRE 2: ISBN 1-58503-190-9 
Pro/MECHANICA Structure: Elements and Applications
Release 2000i2: ISBN 1-58503-062-7
Release 2001: ISBN 1-58503-037-6
WILDFIRE 1: Part 1: IDEALIZATIONS - ISBN 1-58503-120-8
WILDFIRE 1: Part 2: STUDIES & CONNECTIONS - ISBN 1-58503-146-1

WILDFIRE 2: Part 1: IDEALIZATIONS - ISBN 1-58503-217-4
WILDFIRE 2: Part 2: STUDIES & CONNECTIONS - ISBN 1-58503-218-2

WILDFIRE 4: Part 1: IDEALIZATIONS - ISBN 978-1-58503-476-5

SolidWorks Flow Simulation / COSMOSFloWorks
An Introduction to COSMOSFloWorks 
SolidWorks 2008 / COSMOSFloWorks 2008  ISBN 978-1-58503-491-8
An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2009  ISBN 978-1-58503-543-4
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010  ISBN 978-1-58503-589-2
SolidWorks Motion / COSMOSMotion
Motion Simulation and Mechanism Design with COSMOSMotion
SolidWorks 2007 / COSMOSMotion 2007  ISBN 978-1-58503-482-6
Motion Simulation and Mechanism Design with SolidWorks Motion
SolidWorks Motion 2009 ISBN 978-1-58503-595-3
SolidWorks Simulation / COSMOSWorks 
Analysis of Machine Elements using COSMOSWorks Professional
SolidWorks 2006 / COSMOSWorks 2006  ISBN 1-58503-324-3
SolidWorks 2007 / COSMOSWorks 2007  ISBN 978-1-58503-346-1
SolidWorks 2008 / COSMOSWorks 2008  ISBN 978-1-58503-474-1
Analysis of Machine Elements using SolidWorks Simulation
SolidWorks Simulation 2009  ISBN 978-1-58503-493-2
SolidWorks Simulation 2010  ISBN 978-1-58503-569-4
Engineering Analysis with COSMOSWorks
SolidWorks 2003 / COSMOSWorks 2003 ISBN 1-58503-158-5
SolidWorks 2004 / COSMOSWorks 2004 ISBN 1-58503-181-X
SolidWorks 2005 / COSMOSWorks 2005 ISBN 1-58503-249-2
SolidWorks 2006 / COSMOSWorks 2006 ISBN 1-58503-282-4
SolidWorks 2007 / COSMOSWorks 2007 ISBN 978-1-58503-353-9
SolidWorks 2008 / COSMOSWorks 2008 ISBN 978-1-58503-469-7
Engineering Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation
SolidWorks Simulation 2009 ISBN 978-1-58503-514-4
SolidWorks Simulation 2010 ISBN 978-1-58503-576-2
Automating SolidWorks Using Macros
SolidWorks 2009 ISBN 978-1-58503-488-8
SolidWorks 2006 ISBN 1-58503-263-8
SolidWorks 2004 ISBN 1-58503-164-X
Commands Guide Tutorial for SolidWorks 
SolidWorks 2010 ISBN 978-1-58503-548-9
Design Modeling with SolidWorks 
SolidWorks 2007 ISBN 1-58503-349-2
SolidWorks 2006 ISBN 1-58503-279-4
Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2004
SolidWorks 2004 ISBN 1-58503-163-1
Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2003
SolidWorks 2003 ISBN 1-58503-128-3 [includes MultiMedia CD]
SolidWorks 2003 ISBN 1-58503-132-1 [does not include CD]
SolidWorks 2010, 2009 & 2008 ISBN 978-1-58503-533-5
SolidWorks Part I: Basic Tools 
SolidWorks 2010 ISBN 978-1-58503-577-9
SolidWorks Part II: Advanced Techniques 
SolidWorks 2010 ISBN 978-1-58503-578-6
SolidWorks Tutorial 
SolidWorks 2006 ISBN 1-58503-264-6
SolidWorks 2005 ISBN 1-58503-225-5
SolidWorks 2003 ISBN 1-58503-131-3
Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks
SolidWorks 2007: ISBN 978-1-58503-350-8
SolidWorks 2006: ISBN 1-58503-275-1
SolidWorks 2005: ISBN 1-58503-246-8
SolidWorks 2004: ISBN 1-58503-169-0
SolidWorks 2003: ISBN 1-58503-129-1
SolidWorks 2001/2001Plus: ISBN 1-58503-081-3
Design Project Tutorial using SolidWorks

SolidWorks 98: ISBN 1-887503-89-7
SolidWorks 98 Plus: ISBN 1-887503-90-0

SolidWorks 99: ISBN 1-58503-018-X

Schroff Development Corporation
P O Box 1334
Mission KS 66222
Tel:   913-262-2664
Fax:  913-722-4936
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